SAFT Podcast
SAFT Podcast brings to you the coherent, cohesive, logical, and relevant defense of the Christian worldview. From layman to experts in the field, everyone can tune in and be equipped. We also aim to introduce to the audience the plethora of work and research done in the field of Christian Apologetics in defending the faith and the individuals who further the intellectual cause of Christianity by featuring the greatest minds of the Christian Apologetics arena. Onwards to God.
92 episodes
GOD, EVIL & WAR: Insights From LEBANON (ft. Lukas Ruegger) | EP 92
Lukas Ruegger has spoken on the problem of evil before. Has being in the middle of the war zone in Lebanon changed how he looks at the issue now? Does it still hold to say Christianity makes sense despite the evil around us? Tune in for a candi...
Episode 92

Darwin's Bluff: The SECRET Book Darwin NEVER Published! (ft. Dr. Robert Shedinger) | EP 91
Darwin kept reminding his colleagues that the Origin of Species was just an abstract. Why did he publish it hurriedly? He then promised to release a massive book that addressed the gaps in the abstract and provided more evidence. He never publi...

Hindi: Created by Foreign Christian Missionaries! (ft. Dr. Babu K Verghese) | EP 90
Hindi was a language that was created for the common folks by a foreign Christian missionary. The reason? Sanskrit was considered an elite, religious language only to be spoken by the few. The efforts of Christian missionaries in enabling the I...

Abortion in India: A Silent Issue and a Voiceless Church (ft. Johanna & Simon Durairaj) | EP 89
With the overturning of Roe v Wade in 2022, the discourse on abortion has increasingly gained prominence world over including in India. However the pro-life movement in India has not garnered the visibility it deserves in comparison to the pro-...

William Carey: Is This ENGLISHMAN the FATHER of Modern INDIA ? (ft. Vishal Mangalwadi) | EP 88
One of the "nastiest evangelists". That's how Rajiv Malhotra tagged William Carey. But is this foreigner the unsung father of modern India and not Raja Ram Mohan Roy? Why did he fight against Sati? Why did he contribute towards linguistic and a...
Episode 88

Ep #87 - Christianity's RETURN & Atheism's DEATH in the WEST is Happening Now! (ft. Justin Brierley)
As if almost out of nowhere, God is making a stunning comeback in the West. New atheism's leading voices have softened their approach to Christianity, spirituality and religion. Some have become Christians too! Secular thinkers are starting to ...
Episode 87

Ep #86 - Is DOUBTING and Questioning Your FAITH Destructive? (ft. Tim Barnett)
Does Christianity have a warm embrace for those who grapple with doubts and questions regarding the faith? If so how much should one ought to press those questions? What are the pitfalls when wrestling with doubts and questions? And how should ...
Episode 86

Ep #85 - Morality Remains the MOST Persuasive Argument for GOD! (ft. Dave Baggette)
Ever wondered why we can't find any human who has kept the moral code to the letter? Where do we get the sense of guilt and shame from? And why is it that the most rational thing to do is not the most right thing to do? Wondering how these obse...
Episode 85

Ep #84 - What Would YOU Do If GOD Commands R*PE?!
"Do the gods love the pious because they are good or are they good because the gods love them?" This ancient Greek dilemma has implications for the moral argument even today. And what if God commands us to commit an evil? Does it cease to be ev...
Episode 84

Ep #83 - Denying the UNDENIABLE Just to Deny GOD!
Will anyone ever argue that the abhorrent evils around us aren't really evil? Will anyone say sexual assault is wrong for some and right for others? As it turns out, some may, if it means God's existence can be denied. How should one navigate s...
Episode 83

Ep #82 - Moral DUTIES: The Great Stumbling BLOCK for Atheism!
It's one thing for you to say 'stealing is bad'. It's yet another thing for you to say that I shouldn't steal. What gives humans and the institutions that we made (police, judiciary, international tribunals etc.) power to mandate moral behaviou...
Episode 82

Ep #81 - Are Atheists GOOD Folks?
"I don't believe in god but I am still a good person." "I don't think you need god to be good." Ever wondered what's the response to these? Tag along as we break down why good atheists don't disprove anything, but rather they too point towa...
Episode 81

Ep #80 - Can A Monkey Ever M*RD*R?
A tiger kills but never m*rd*rs. We apply the same nuance to man's close imitators too - the apes. Why is that? What does that distinction tell us about our understanding of right and wrong? Does this point towards a universal law-giver with hu...
Episode 80

Ep #79 - It's GOOD To Be A Doctor, But Is It WRONG?
It may be a good thing to be a doctor, but must therefore we all be doctors? What does this thought experiment tell us about moral value and moral duties? Understanding this distinction will show you why God is only true foundation for morality...
Episode 79

Ep #78 - Does RIGHT and WRONG Point to GOD?
Does our apprehension of the moral order point us towards God? What are the different forms of moral argument that thinkers of the past have drawn up? Tag along with us as we begin the 5th Season of SAFT Podcast exploring the Moral Argument.
Episode 78

Ep #77 - God and Eastern Minds: Breaching Cultural Barriers (ft. Jacob Cheriyan)
Is Christianity a white man's religion? If not, given the extensive depth of theological and philosophical exploration done in the West, how do we present God, Gospel and Christ to the Eastern mind? Is it an attempt that ends up in compromising...
Episode 77

Ep #76 - Past, Present and Future are Equally REAL? The TOUGHEST Objection to the Kalam?! (ft. Ashish John)
Is time travel possible? Well, it depends what we know of time. If B-Theory of time is true then we just need to build the vehicle that can do the job. In fact some claim that if the B-Theory of time is true then the Kalam Cosmological Argument...
Episode 76

Ep #75 - Does the CAUSE of the Universe LISTEN to PRAYERS? (ft. Asher John)
Does quantum mechanics lend a escape hatch away from the cause of the universe? Just as the axe pre-existed in the form of iron and wood couldn't the universe have pre-existed in some form before the Big Bang? If everything must have a cause wh...
Episode 75

Ep #74 - Will the REAL CAUSE of the Universe Please Stand Up?
Alright fine! The universe has something behind it. But you still cannot say it is God who created it or that the force that created the universe is omnipotent or that it is even a personal mind! Why can't it be a force like gravity? Why can't ...
Episode 74

Ep #73 - The GOD Who STRETCHED the Universe into Place!
One of the biggest scientific discovery of recent past that shook atheist scientists was the expansion of the universe. An unchallenged field of scientific knowledge is that the universe is running out of the limited energy we have. What do the...
Episode 73

Ep #72 - What Counting Down from INFINITY Tells us About the BEGINNING of the UNIVERSE!
If you start to count up from 0 to the largest number will you ever finish counting? It would take literally forever! How about starting to count down from the largest number all the way down to 0? Is it even possible to start, let alone asking...
Episode 72

Ep #71 - What Does A SHEEP, Its MOTHER & The HERD Have To Do With The Big Bang Theory?!
Just because a sheep has a mother it doesn't mean that the herd (collection of sheeps) would have a mother too. So likewise, just because the things within the universe have a cause/creator it doesn't mean that the universe (collection of all t...
Episode 71

Ep #70 - God: Timeless, Outside Or At EVERY POINT In Time?
If you say God always existed, why not say the same for the universe? If you say that God is 'timeless', what does that even mean? If there was no time prior to the Big Bang, how was God's relation to time? Is He still timeless now? In this epi...
Episode 70

Ep #69 - Something FROM NOTHING Reveals Intellectual BIAS Of A Great Philosopher?!
Hypocrite! Biased! These are descriptions we don't want to hear. We sometimes assume that these don't apply to experts and the best minds out there. But it does apply to all. In continuation of our exploration of the creator behind the universe...
Episode 69

Ep #68 - Do Atheists Think BEETHOVEN Could POP Out Of Thin Air In Your Room?
The question remains: if the universe could really come from nothing, then why can't Beethoven or Bhagat Singh pop out of nowhere? If NOTHING created the universe, if really NO-THING created the universe then why the preference for universe(s) ...
Episode 68