SAFT Podcast
SAFT Podcast brings to you the coherent, cohesive, logical, and relevant defense of the Christian worldview. From layman to experts in the field, everyone can tune in and be equipped. We also aim to introduce to the audience the plethora of work and research done in the field of Christian Apologetics in defending the faith and the individuals who further the intellectual cause of Christianity by featuring the greatest minds of the Christian Apologetics arena. Onwards to God.
SAFT Podcast
Darwin's Bluff: The SECRET Book Darwin NEVER Published! (ft. Dr. Robert Shedinger) | EP 91
Darwin kept reminding his colleagues that the Origin of Species was just an abstract. Why did he publish it hurriedly? He then promised to release a massive book that addressed the gaps in the abstract and provided more evidence. He never published it. Why didn't he? And what did 'Darwin's Bulldog' Huxley feel about the Origin of Species? Robert Shedinger shares insights from his rabble rousing book that examined over 15K of Darwin's letters!
Watch the entire Ep at https://youtu.be/WE69bgYDn2E
Links and citation:
[Book] Darwin's Bluff: The Mystery of the Book Darwin Never Finished https://www.amazon.com/Darwins-Bluff-Mystery-Darwin-Finished/dp/1637120370#:~:text=Robert%20Shedinger's%20recent%20book%2C%20Darwin's,book%20as%20well%20as%20how
[Book] The Mystery of Evolutionary Mechanisms: Darwinian Biology’s Grand Narrative of Triumph and the Subversion of Religion https://www.amazon.com/Mystery-Evolutionary-Mechanisms-Darwinian-Subversion-ebook/dp/B07X7JXF9B/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ypqllBWEE2vPyM1zIm4VCfjZtokuAPp9iwqXX2ijAlDjBQ5SODmWG8MKRqUFOrEzpoupnzguZ_i6fVxc2W98qOAP6F8yfJGh-XGjBQPyg7g.DHFBdXjSIs-gujm0FlRwm3YtZ9e9iXuObngGCXKaJrw&dib_tag=se&qid=1728114836&refinements=p_27%3ARobert+F.+Shedinger&s=digital-text&sr=1-3&text=Robert+F.+Shedinger
[Book] Jesus and Jihad: Reclaiming the Prophetic Heart of Christianity and Islam https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Jihad-Reclaiming-Prophetic-Christianity-ebook/dp/B014EAPYRU/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ypqllBWEE2vPyM1zIm4VCfjZtokuAPp9iwqXX2ijAlDjBQ5SODmWG8MKRqUFOrEzpoupnzguZ_i6fVxc2W98qOAP6F8yfJGh-XGjBQPyg7g.DHFBdXjSIs-gujm0FlRwm3YtZ9e9iXuObngGCXKaJrw&dib_tag=se&qid=1728114836&refinements=p_27%3ARobert+F.+Shedinger&s=digital-text&sr=1-5&text=Robert+F.+Shedinger
[Book] Was Jesus a Muslim?: Questioning Categories in the Study of Religion https://www.amazon.com/Was-Jesus-Muslim-Questioning-Categories-ebook/dp/B002FU761E?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.tPj37PZ0dKYTXm0FPJ8oGo_2Ku9pCrEHLqJc76M1dT6oMw8BUd_UNClqgzXrTBeB.u5jfHy4pAN-unlwwrCs5obpYCF1005Gy1I9TFGiavEg&dib_tag=AUTHOR
[Video] Darwin’s Biggest Problem | Long Story Short: Evolution https://youtu.be/7cT7Z0D7_h4?si=tBZeXtDSsz3-JlJK
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SAFT Apologetics stands for Seeking Answers Finding Truth and was formed off inspiration from the late Nabeel Qureshi’s autobiography that captured his life journey where he followed truth where it led him. We too aim to be a beacon emulating his life’s commitment towards following truth wherever it leads us.
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Equipping the believer defend their faith anytime, anywhere. Our vision is to do so beyond all language barriers in India and beyond!
SAFT Apologetics stands for Seeking Answers Finding Truth and was formed off inspiration from the late Nabeel Qureshi’s autobiography that captured his life journey where he followed truth where it led him. We too aim to be a beacon emulating his life’s commitment towards following truth wherever it leads us.
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